Frequently Asked Questions

How does your Edge Delivery System™ work?

Nostra’s Edge Delivery Engine utilizes nearly 300 edge locations around the world, putting your site’s content within 50ms of 95% of the world’s internet-connected population. Edge Delivery improves Time to First Byte by 5 - 10x, resulting in a page load time that is 20 - 30 percent faster on average.

How long does it take to set up Nostra?

Typically, all we need is a 15-minute call,  and then 48-72 hours of internal testing before we schedule your Go Live call.

How do I check my site speed?

  • [In Chrome]
  • Right click on your homepage
  • Click “Inspect” > “Network”
  • Refresh your page
  • See the top number in the waterfall for your TTFB (next to the page name)
  • See the “Load” number in teal for your total load time

What is a good Time to First Byte?

According to Google, a good Time to First Byte is sub 200ms. Many customers on Nostra come in at sub 100ms.

Why is site speed important?

In the modern world, your brand is not just competing against other e-commerce stores for the customer dollar. You’re competing against everything else on a user’s device for their time. Milliseconds make millions, and according to Deloitte and leading research from brands like Amazon, Walmart, and Google, even 100ms of latency can significantly impact your bottom line – especially for customers on mobile.

The speed Nostra delivers:
• Improves conversion rates
• Increases AOV
• Decreases CPC

What do I need to set up Nostra?

  1. Add a TXT record to your DNS
  2. Install Nostra webhooks by adding engineering@nostra.ai as a collaborator on Shopify
  3. Access to Nostra Customer Portal

How quickly will my Core Web Vitals improve?

Typically within 14 - 28 days.


I am running into issues, who do I contact?

Please email us at support@nostra.ai or contact your designated Customer Support Manager with details of the issues you are seeing (screenshots, videos, examples, etc). 

Get Started With Nostra Today!

Nostra works to optimize conversions across all major website and store platforms